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What is the MiBo Eye Treatment?

Views: 6434
Reviewed by Nymark M, PhD on November 7, 2016

Currently, experts estimate that more than 25 million people across the United States will suffer from some form of dry eye disease. There are several different forms of dry eye that people can suffer from, and the condition that you are exposed to will generally determine your symptoms. Approximately $3.8 billion is currently spent on various forms of dry eye relief across the United States alone, and experts within clinical practices generally recognize that dry eye is the most frequently seen and common form of eye diseases.

Fortunately, as new technologies become available, we are learning brand new ways to fight against the problems associated with dry eyes, as well as uncovering new ways to more accurately diagnose specific forms of dry eye and the root causes. From this more specific approach to diagnostics, it is possible to tailor targeted therapies that allow for patients to be more effectively treated over time.

What Are MiBo Medical Systems and MiBoFlow

The MiBo medical system helps to treat dry eye conditions for a range of different patients suffering from a variety of symptoms. It works by providing a consistent temperature of around 108 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat is applied against the surface of the external eyelid using a thermoelectric heat pump, and the goal behind the treatment is to use thermal pressure to dissolve the contents in the Meibomian glands. The application of heat can liquefy the obstruction and lead to better functioning in the eyes. The dual pads that are used in the machine transfer heat into the eyes through ultrasound gel that is applied to the surface of the eyelids. This allows for warmth to be uniformly distributed to the Meibomian glands. In most cases, treatment will last for a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes.

For a comprehensive treatment to be completed using the MiBo system, most experts will recommend that patients undergo at least three sessions that are performed at two-week intervals. According to the company that produced the system, the duration of the treatment effect can last for an extended period of time, but may need to be repeated after six to twelve months for long term effects to stay in place.

One of the major benefits of using MiBo is the fact that this system can effectively improve the evaporative component associated with dry eye so that you’re less likely to experience symptoms again in the near future. The unit also has an adjustable timer that allows for physicians to control the way that heat therapy is given to any individual client.

MiBo as Treatment for Dry Eye

MiBo is generally used in the treatment of conditions like blepharitis and dry eye. It’s worth noting that many experts regard dry eye syndrome to be the most common eye condition around, and this problem can be caused by a number of different factors, including inflammation of the eye, natural menopause, aging, and certain medications. Sometimes, it’s even caused by frequent exposure to the elements such as sun and wind, laser eye surgery and dehydration. While doctors often recommend lifestyle changes as a way of treating dry eye for many patients, the MiBo solution represents a significant breakthrough in the treatment of chronic conditions of dry eye for most people.

Blepharitis is an eye condition that is typically observed as an inflammation in the eyelid that usally takes place around the edges of the lids where the eyelashes are found. While this condition doesn’t generally cause any lasting damage to the eyes, the symptoms that patients experience can often be painful and uncomfortable, as well as unappealing on a cosmetic level. Some of the most common symptoms that people experience when suffering from blepharitis is the presence of dandruff on the eyelashes, irritation, flaky skin and redness. In some severe circumstances, it is possible for this to spread throughout the remainder of the eye. If the inflammation is allowed to spread to the cornea, the vision of the patient might be at risk.

The reason that MiBo is generally used for blepharitis is that one of the most common causes of this condition is the fact that the Meibomian glands in the eye are malfunctioning for some reason. Through MiBo Thermoflow therapy, it is possible to treat this malfunction, reducing the severity of blepharitis and dry eye syndrome. In some cases, if the treatment reveals that there is some bacteria present in the glands, then antibiotic eye drops may be prescribed alongside the treatment.

Why Does Dry Eye Syndrome Happen?

Some people find that they are more prone to dry eye syndrome than others. At this point in time, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact reason why someone might suffer from this condition, though experts have been able to consider a number of potential causes that might make dry eye more likely.

Different people will suffer from dry eye syndrome in different ways, but it’s important to remember that this is a common condition that should not be treated without speaking to a eye doctor about your specific condition. Many peoploe assume that they can deal with the problem of dry eye by themselves by simply relying on eye drops and other solutions to help them moisturize the tear film that covers the eye or promote better lubrication. However, dry eye can be a sign that something else is wrong with your health, and in these cases it is important to seek professional help and get a full diagnosis that will allow you to better understand your specific circumstances. Talking to a doctor and undergoing MiBo treatments and other similar processes will help to ensure that you have the best possible chance of finding a treatment solution that works well for your unique needs. Remember that relying on eye drops can lead to addiction and may make your dry eye condition worse over time when you are exposed to certain ingredients over a long-term period or course.

Dry eye syndrome can affect people of various ages. However, it’s worth noting that up to a third of adults over the age of 65 generally suffer from some form of this eye condition. Typically, experts suggest that the condition is generally more common in people who are older, and it can apply more to women than it does to men. Causes may include:

  • The frequent or excessive use of contact lenses
  • Continued exposure to a particularly windy or hot climate that might cause drying of the eyes
  • Pre-existing problems or conditions within the eye that make dry eye more common, such as blepharitis which involves the inflammation of the lids, or meibomianitis. Meibomianitis causes the inflammation of the oil producing glands in the eyes.
  • Hormonal changes. For instance, dry eye is particularly common in women who are currently in a particular stage of menopause.
  • Chronic illnesses, such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjoren’s syndrome, or thyroid eye disease

In some cases, dry eye is a side effect from exposure to various medications.

The symptoms include:

  • A persistent sensation of grittiness, soreness, or dryness, which can become worse throughout the day
  • Mild light sensitivity
  • Slightly blurry or obscured vision
  • Problems within both or one of the eyes

How Does MiBo Treat Dry Eyes?

The MiBo thermoflow device is a new medical device that offers an alternative form of therapy for blepharitis and dry eyes. Doctors have found that only 12 minutes of treatment per eye can be enough to gently massage the margins of the eyes and unclog the Meibomian glands. This can mean that the secretions blocking the glands are liquefied so that oils can once again flow freely, restoring a more balanced tear film. Positive results can even be achieved after no more than one session, though additional sessions are often recommended.

Some of the many benefits of MiBo treatment are:

  • Painless treatment
  • No need for any downtime
  • Relieved eye strain
  • No side effects or risks
  • Therapeutic and relaxing
  • 98% patient satisfaction rate

Resources and References:

Diagnosing and treating dry eye with technology – Overview of the MiBo Thermoflow system (OptometryTimes.modernmedicine.com)

Procedures – Various treatment options for dry eye and blepharitis, including MiBo and the Thermoflow system (IQLaserVision.com)