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What are Pataday Eye Drops? + Side Effects

Views: 7598
Reviewed by Nymark M, PhD on November 7, 2016

Pataday eye drops are a type of antihistamine that is used to treat redness and itching in the eyes caused by allergies. It is available on prescription and it is not recommended for those who have irritations as a result of wearing contact lenses.

How to Use Pataday Eye Drops

The eye drops should be applied to the affected eye, usually one or two times per day, as directed. The exact dosage will vary depending on the brand. Before you use the drops, you must wash your hands. You must also make sure that the dropper tip does not touch your eye or any other surface, as this could lead to cross-contamination.

Pataday eye drops contain preservatives and contact lenses could absorb this. Hence, if you wear contacts, you should take them out before you use the medication. You should also wait at least 10 minutes after using the medication before you put back your contacts.

Tilt your head back, look to the ceiling, and pull your lower eyelid down, creating a pouch. Hold the dropper over the eye, applying the number of drops you have been prescribed. Then look down and gently close your eyes, leaving them closed for about two minutes. Place a finger in your eye’s inside corner and gently apply some pressure. This will stop it from draining. Do not rub your eyes, do not squeeze them shut, and do not blink.

The dropper should not be rinsed and it has to be replaced after you have used it.

To really benefit from the medication, you must use it regularly in order to notice its effects. Make sure you use it for as long as your physician has instructed.

If you have any other eye conditions that are being treated with medication, you should wait at least five minutes between medications. If you have both drops and ointment, you should always use the drops first. This ensures they can actually enter the eye because the ointment could block it.

If your condition does not improve or even gets worse, you must speak to your physician.

Conditions that Pataday Eye Drops Can Treat

Pataday eye drops are usually used for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. In some cases, it is used to treat people who have allergic rhinitis that affects the eye.

Pataday Eye Drops Side Effects

The most common side effects of these eye drops include:

  • Feeling a foreign object in the eye
  • Swelling of the eyelid
  • Dryness, redness, stinging, and/or burning of the eye
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches

While these side effects can be uncomfortable, your physician is aware of them and has determined that the benefits of the eye drops outweigh the disadvantages. Furthermore, while uncomfortable, the side effects are not generally dangerous.

It is unlikely that you will suffer a serious side effect from this drug, including allergic reactions. However, if you notice trouble breathing, dizziness, swelling of the throat, tongue, or face, extreme itching, or a rash, you need to speak to a physician as those are signs of a serious allergic reaction.

The table below highlights the known side effects of Pataday ophthalmic eye drops.


Side Effect


Common Headaches Less severe
Infrequent Fluid buildup in the eyelid tissue Less severe
Blurred vision
Dry eyes
Eye irritation
Bloodshot eyes
Cornea inflammation
Nose inflammation
Eye pain
Runny nose
Sinus irritation
Uncommon Back pain
Body pain or aches
Change in taste
Tenderness in the area around the eye
Swollen glands, particularly in the neck
Rare Drug hypersensitivity Severe
Irritation of the throat

Pain on the throat.\

Less severe

Precautions to Take with Pataday

Before you use Pataday, which has olopatadine hydrochloride as the active ingredient, you must tell your physician and pharmacist about any allergies you currently have. Chloride and benzalkonium allergies, for instance, are quite common and both ingredients are included in this medicine. You must also tell your doctor if you currently wear contact lenses, and you have to be open and honest about your medical history and any drugs (over the counter, prescription, herbal, or supplemental) you currently take. Additionally, you may not drive or use machinery while using these drops.

During pregnancy, only if there is a clear need for Pataday drops should it be used. A doctor should discuss the different risks and benefits with you. No tests have been performed to determine whether the drug can be passed on to breastmilk in nursing mothers. Hence, do consult with your physician first.

There are a number of possible drug interactions with Pataday eye drops. If you are currently on any medication that has interactions, your physician will determine whether or not you should discontinue to take them, not use the eye drops, or whether the interactions are manageable. It is also for this reason that you must tell your physician about any medication you currently take.

If swallowed, these eye drops may be harmful. If the drops have been swallowed, you suspect an overdose, or an allergic reaction is occurring, you must phone an ambulance or your nearest poison control center. The medication should not be shared with other people. Any missed dose should be taken as soon as possible, unless it is already near to the time of your next dosage. You should not double dose, in other words, as this could lead to overdose and harm your eye and your overall health.

Resources and References:

  • Pataday – Information on Pataday Eye Drops (Pataday.com)
  • Pataday Ophthalmic – How to Use Pataday Ophthalmic Drops (WebMD.com)