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Ciproflaxin Eye Drops + Side Effects

Views: 3770
Reviewed by Nymark M, PhD on November 4, 2016

Ciproflaxin or ciprofloxacin eye drops are a form of quinolone antibiotic that work to kill sensitive bacteria by preventing the production of various proteins that are required for bacteria to survive. It is important to only use this substance if it is recommended by your doctor, and to inform him or her if you begin to notice any side effects or persistent problems. Ciproflaxin eye drops should not be taken if you are taking another form of quinolone antibiotic, or if you are aware that you are allergic to it. If you are concerned about taking Ciproflaxin, make sure that you talk to your pharmacist or doctor before you begin or change your dosage in any way. This should help to put your mind at east.

What Are Ciproflaxin Eye Drops?

Ciproflaxin eye drops and ointments work by killing the microorganisms that may be promoting infection within the eye. One condition is conjunctivitis, where your eye will feel gritty, become inflamed, and may even water more than usual. The white part of your eye may become red, and your eyelids could be inflamed and get stuck together around the eyelashes with a type of discharge that builds up while you sleep. In many cases, infectious conjunctivitis can clear up within a week without treatment. However, in severe cases, Ciproflaxin is generally used.

In some situations, Ciproflaxin will be prescribed to treat ulcers that appear around the cornea. Corneal ulcers form on the delicate layer that covers the surface of the eye. Before you begin using Ciproflaxin drops, it’s worth noting that certain medical conditions and treatments can interactive negatively with this substance, because of that, it’s important to inform your pharmacist or doctor if you have any medical conditions. Be especially careful if any of the following circumstances apply to you:

  • You are pregnant, breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant
  • You are taking non-prescription or prescription medications on a regular basis even if they are herbal or dietary supplements
  • You have any severe allergies to foods, medicines, or any other substances.
  • You wear contact lenses regularly, or are currently wearing contact lenses.

Be sure to ask if it might interact with other medications that you are currently taking. Though small amounts of this substance are absorbed into the blood making negative interactions uncommon, they can still happen.

How to Use Ciproflaxin Drops

The best way to use Ciproflaxin drops is to follow the instructions that are given by your doctor. Remember to check the label on your medicine for exact instructions regarding dosage. Steps to take including the following:

  • Start by washing your hands, then tilt your head backwards and use your index finger to pull the lower eyelid away from the eye so that a pocket is formed. Drip the medicine into that pocket and close your eyes gently, then use your finger to place a small amount of pressure around the inside corner of the eye, without blinking. Remove any excess medicine from your eye with a dry, clean tissue, and wash your hands.
  • Make sure that you do not allow the applicator to touch your eye or any other surface, and keep the container closed.
  • If you need to apply several drops of Ciproflaxin try to separate the first and second drop by a few minutes.
  • Make sure that you remove your contact lenses before you use Ciproflaxin, and ask your doctor whether you can continue wearing contacts while using these drops.
  • To get the most from the medication, make sure that you use Ciproflaxin for the full course of the recommended treatment. If you miss a dose, make sure that you use it as quickly as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, forget about the skipped dose and go back to your typical schedule.

Remember to contact your doctor if you find that your condition worsens or fails to get better. However, make sure that you don’t stop taking the medication just because you don’t feel like it’s working. At the same time, you shouldn’t stop taking your medicine prematurely because you feel a lot better. Follow the instructions that your doctor has given you very carefully.

The Side Effects of Ciproflaxin

Although not everyone will experience problems as a result of taking Ciproflaxin drops, it’s worth being aware of the potential issues that you might encounter. Usually, the side effects will decrease as your body gets used to the new medicine, but it’s worth speaking to your pharmacist or doctor if they become troublesome or continue for long periods of time.

Most common side effects include:

  • Temporary presence of stinging or burning sensation in the eye that occurs for a couple of minutes after application or during application of the drops
  • Discomfort or irritation that persists for longer than the application itself. This discomfort may include eye itching, redness that persists around and inside the eye itself, tearing or watering eyes, crusting around the eyelid, or feeling that there is something in your eye, like an eyelash or hair.
  • Blurred vision and dry or watery eyes are also common in people using Ciproflaxin, and you might find that taking the drops make your eyelids appear puffy.
  • Some people experience a bad taste in their mouth
  • Sensitivity to light
  • White build-up in the corner of the eye – this is particularly common if you are being treated for a corneal ulcer.
  • Nausea
  • Swelling in or around the eye
  • Pain in the eye that persists for long periods of time
  • Declining vision

In rare cases, some patients experience allergic skin reactions, and these should be addressed urgently. If you notice rashes, swelling, or discomfort stop using the drops and visit your doctor immediately. At the same time, if you begin to notice inflammation around the tendons in your body, or pain and swelling in that area, then you should stop treatment and tell your doctor as soon as possible.

Staying Safe While Taking Ciproflaxin

The best way to stay safe when you are taking Ciproflaxin drops is to follow exactly the instructions that were given by your doctor. Remember that you should always inform your doctor if you experience any unusual or uncomfortable side effects, and stop taking the medication if problems get worse. Other important things to keep in mind include:

  • Ciproflaxin drops can sometimes cause sensitivity to light. Experts recommend using this medication with caution, and it may be a good idea to avoid driving or performing any potentially dangerous tasks until you know how the drops affect you.
  • Ciproflaxin sometimes causes white crystals to form around the corners of the eye. It’s important to contact your doctor if this happens although in most circumstances, these crystals will not affect your vision or prevent the infection in your eye from healing.
  • Left over Ciproflaxin medicine should never be used as a solution for treating further conditions or infections without checking with your doctor.
  • It is important that you always use Ciproflaxin drops for the full recommended course of treatment that your doctor prescribed. If you do not take the full course, then you might find that the infection appears to be gone, but that the medicine hasn’t removed the problem entirely. In these circumstances, the bacteria that are left can lead to a reoccurring problem. What’s more, that bacteria could become less sensitive to Ciproflaxin which will make removing the infection a lot more difficult in future situations.
  • Keep in mind that repeated or long-term use of Ciproflaxin can sometimes lead to a second infection. If you notice signs of a reoccurrence, it is important to speak to your doctor as quickly as possible, as your medicine may need to be changed immediately.
  • Ciproflaxin drops should always be used with extreme caution in children younger than one year of age. Usually, this will not be prescribed for young children as effectiveness and safety haven’t yet been confirmed.

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